
Our Unmanned Aircraft System (drone) produces detailed, accurate  measurement and imagery.  We establish a Ground Control Target Network using a Total Station, Pre-program the Flight Pattern and Quality Check our results.

(Click on Images to Enlarge)

Above: Site is nearly one acre. 122 aerial drone photographs were used to develop the orthomosaic and 2D/3D data. Accuracy analysis compared Traditional Field Survey to Drone (UAS).

Customer Industries and Deliverables include:


  • Topographic Studies and As-Build Studies
  • Up-to-date
  • Precision
  • Accuracy
  • Tied to benchmarks
  • CAD compatible


  • Progress measurements
  • Overlays of as-builts onto design
  • Quality reports
  • Repeat inspections
  • Timely reporting
  • 3D Data and 4D Data presentation
  • Volume and area
  • Inventories
    • Equipment on-site
    • Material on-site
    • Supplies on-site

With simple equipment modifications we can also service these Customer Industries:

Solar Systems

  • FLIR
  • Repeatable
  • Shareable
  • Georeferenced
  • Timely
  • Precision (temperature gradient and location)


  • NDVI
  • Georeferenced
  • Agriculture software compatible
  • Repeatable
  • Timely
  • Precision (species identification and location